tisdag 7 oktober 2008


Pappa Casto och kusin Estrella
Vi gratulerar stolt pappa till hans Finska Championat

måndag 18 augusti 2008


Lilo och Disel
Inte värst samarbetsvilliga direkt;)
Men varför vara kopplade då man kan springa lös..?!

tisdag 15 juli 2008

Så vackra barn..

Fr.v Ibis, Dancer, Disel och Lilo
Här ligger en slagen hjältinna, eller prinsessa om man ska vara riktigt ärlig;) Det är tufft att resa sova i tält och sen två krävande utställningsdagar.

söndag 11 maj 2008

I dag../ Today..

har vi varit och besökt en hundutställning och hälsat på syrran. Nu är Disel ganska trött, fick en rapport från syrran, som knappt orkade upp och äta ;)

we have visit a show, and visit my sister. Now is Disel real tired, we got a report from sister Lilo, she was almost to tired to eat;)

lördag 3 maj 2008

4 months/ 4 månader

Vilka underbara svansar!
Lovely tails!

lördag 12 april 2008

080412 visit in Piteå

valpar är ganska roliga att fota;)
dom bjuder ju ganska bra på sig själva..
ibland undrar man om ögonen ska trilla ur..
fullständigt galna..
och mellan varven, så söta..
och bedårande!

måndag 24 mars 2008

Little Disel..

is still aviable for the right family. His a sweet puppy that both lighten up and terrorise our every day life;) We are often out and he gets a lot of social training, such as you can see above (the cows are quite scary) He is taking part in everything we are doing, and there are no problem. He is very open and social, he loves people and have no problem with contact other dogs. He walks both on leash and of course a lot loose...

söndag 2 mars 2008

What a weekend..

I wasn´t able to go to Amsterdam my self, so I sent a boy who works at the hotel. And what a trip for him. I´m happy it wasn´t me ;)
Much turbolence, the plain had to circle over Amsterdam before it could land!! He spend the first night in Lisse in Andre and Karins home.
And when he was going home there where of course 4 hours delay so he had to spend the night on a hotel in Oslo(!) before he could go home to Luleå again, via Stockholm.
But he was just laughing (it´s lovely to be 18;)) Thank you Pär, I owe you a lot!!

And thank you Andre and Karin who let him stay the night (I know how much he eats!!;)

söndag 17 februari 2008

You can use a puppy..

to a lot of things..
they are much better to wake up teenagers..

than any alarm clock in the world;)

onsdag 6 februari 2008

Mother and son..

A picture say more than words, or..;)

lördag 26 januari 2008

1 month, times fly..

Now the fun starts ;) They are very active, and terrorise the other dogs :D They eat well, and grow fast. And soon they are living us... But we will enjoy one more month.
Marielle is a very good kennel-girl, but she is expensive;)

måndag 14 januari 2008

17 days

Now everything starts... They move around and play with eachother, barking and make other strange noice ;)

onsdag 9 januari 2008

12 days old

There´s no problem with any "skinny" mother ;) She´s eating all she can! And so do the puppies!!

fredag 4 januari 2008

1 week old

Everything is going fine, they eat and sleep, and grow of course..